Very cool sound, keep up the good work!
Very cool sound, keep up the good work!
Why thank you!
Overall nice job, it has some really nice parts. I think the beginning was a little rough. You might want to start with more standard drum patterns and then start to experiment once you have your listener hooked.
The second half was much better and there were a few sections that really hit a groove. I liked the over all funkyness and olskool vibe you got going on.
Finally I would focus on your mastering a bit and finding the right levels for each sound so everything blends nicely. Some sounds you might 'push' forward or back depending on what sounds good to you. Then you can start panning to push some things off center a bit.
Great job over all I hope you keep making music!
Thank you for the feedback :D Yeah I'm not sure what i was doing in the beginning i was just messing around with different noises lol and i definitely will carry on making music! :3
Solid, synthy cool sound!
Catchy, and cool I like it! Has a nice structure and sounds awesome, nice work.
Thanks ! :D
Cool beat, I like how you used the gun sample. Nice work!
Calm and dreamy, very nice!
Awesome sound, very well structured and unique. Im nit picking but I would of like to see more of an ending maybe. Not taking any points off for the way you choose to end it tho it was still really good. Perfect well done! A fine way to end the new year.
Hello! Thanks for the review!
I'm fully agreed with you, I tried to make an ending but messed up with some ideas and just decide to "fade out" everything "smoothly". I need to learn many things in future cus my skills are a bit low atm.
Happy New Year! See ya!
I was transported to a small island with Jack Sparrow and escaping some impending doom or capture. Great sound, unique and hit your topic / feel perfectly!
Serious Dragonforce vibes I love it! Really high quality sounds nice work!
Very cool techno western mash up!
Just a nerd who likes to make noise.
United States of America
Joined on 12/19/21